If you’re responsible for maintaining a business or commercial building, this can be a very uncertain time. COVID-19 has changed the way all of us operate. Your building may either be closed, reopening, or overrun with people. Regardless, there is one thing that’s top of mind: the health of everyone who uses your building.

Germicidal ultraviolet (UVC) products can kill up to 99.9% of viruses and bacteria on surfaces without the use of harsh chemicals.

These disinfecting products are not just for hospitals. Any commercial building or mode of transportation like airplanes, trains, subways, and buses can benefit from germicidal UVC.

There are multiple ways you can use the disinfecting power of UVC. One of those options is a mobile UVC unit. Before you get started with any new system, we recommend you consider the following factors:

  • Disinfection Time – How quickly do you need the product to work? If you’re thinking of using a mobile disinfection in a hospital, you may have less cleaning time available than if you’re using it in a hotel.
  • Labour – Do you have the staff available to move UVC disinfection products to different areas or rooms? Even if they are robotic, mobile UVC disinfection units require someone to operate them.
  • Space – How big is the space you need to disinfect? Do you need more than one disinfecting unit to operate efficiently? How much area do UVC products cover? Your space will determine the best option for you.

It’s important to note these products contain germicidal UVC, which can be harmful to humans. If used incorrectly, UVC radiation can penetrate the skin and eyes. The Illuminating Engineering Society recently released a report with safety guidelines that should be followed along with manufacturer guidelines.

Pros of mobile UVC disinfection units

  • Mobility – The biggest perk of mobile UVC disinfection is the fact that you can move them to the threat, or the area you want to disinfect. All you have to do is plug the unit in one room, allow it to run its cycle, then unplug and move it to another area. If you have multiple rooms to disinfect at different times of the day, moving the UVC disinfection unit between spaces is easy.
  • Operate On Any Schedule – Instead of using ceiling or wall mounted UVC disinfecting products that operate on a schedule, mobile UVC units can be used when it’s convenient for you. This is especially beneficial in areas that are used frequently, like hospital rooms, hotel rooms, or airplanes. When you know the room is empty, you can run the germicidal UVC unit.
  • Adjustable Equipment – There are several different variations of mobile UVC disinfection units. Some are robotic, some are pushcarts, and some are built on stands like the products mentioned below. Most involve adjustable equipment to make sure you are hitting the areas you want to hit with germicidal UVC light. That leaves little room for hiding spots for germs.
  • Easy To Use – With proper training, it’s easy to operate mobile UVC units. Most also come with occupancy sensors that will shut off if motion is detected.

Cons of mobile UVC disinfection units

  • Move Room to Room – Mobility may be a big advantage for mobile UVC disinfection units, but it can also be a con. If you have multiple rooms you want cleaned at the same time, it might be financially better to buy germicidal UVC products that are either wall mounted or ceiling mounted and can run on a timer. Plus, if you have an extremely large building, relying on one mobile UVC disinfection unit may not be a reality to clean all of the areas you need. Some customers have ordered multiple units to give them more flexibility.
  • Labour Requirement – This is linked to the con listed above. Someone has to man the system, and move it from room to room. You should think about your staffing and whether or not this is a reality for your current cleaning crew.
  • Time Constraints – While some mobile UVC disinfection products operate on a timer, you may want to use your unit in an area that’s frequently occupied.
    The room should be empty while the system is running to limit exposure.
  • Multiple Cycles – UVC rays disinfect by line of sight, meaning any area that UVC energy does not hit will not be disinfect. Also, UVC does not penetrate through furniture or other objects. You will probably need to run multiple cycles in a room to make sure all areas are disinfected. Finding the right dose is also key in this process.

How to tell if mobile units are working
Since you may have to run mobile UVC units in multiple cycles in a single space, you might be wondering how to know if they’re hitting the surfaces you need with the right dosage.

You can place the dosimeter on different surfaces before you run a cycle. The yellow spot in the middle will change colors based on the UVC dose the surface received.

The card is measured based on MRSA and C-diff, bacteria that are especially hard to kill.

If the yellow spot changes to orange, a dose strong enough to kill MRSA hit the surface. That’s equivalent to a dose of 50 mJ/cm2.

If the yellow spot changes to pink, a dose strong enough to kill C-diff hit the surface. That’s equivalent to a dose of 100 mJ/cm2.

The dosimeter provides a good benchmark to follow and will help you decide the best placement of mobile UVC units. Following this standard can help decrease exposure time while increasing disinfection rate.

Where to use mobile UVC disinfection units
The first place you probably thinking of using mobile UVC disinfection units is a hospital. Yes, they can help fight against healthcare-associated infections and protect patients. Hospitals have used mobile UVC units for many years.

But mobile UVC disinfection units can also work for other commercial buildings.

Right now, businesses are trying to reassure employees and customers that their buildings are safe and as clean as possible. As our economy returns to normal, using a mobile UVC disinfection unit can let your customers and employees know their health is your highest priority.

Here are some suggested application:

  • Airports – You can plug in multiple UVC disinfection units, line them in the aisle of an airplane, and disinfect the plane in minutes. Germicidal UVC is also a good option for airport bathrooms, but you will have to temporarily close the bathroom to make sure no one is in there at the time.
  • Restaurants – Germs can easily spread from the bathroom to the kitchen in restaurants. Some mobile UVC disinfection products (like the ones listed below) are FDA approved and safe to use around food. Using germicidal UVC in the kitchen and bathrooms can protect both customers and workers.
  • Grocery stores – Grocery stores generally have very large open spaces, but mobile UVC disinfection units can work in areas where germs originate, like bathrooms and back-of-house areas.
  • Banks – Think about how many people touch ATMs or bank counters throughout the day. Using a mobile UVC disinfection unit at the end of the day or first thing in the morning can protect your customers and your employees.
  • Hotels – You can plug in a mobile UVC disinfection unit in one room while the cleaning crew focuses on changing sheets in the next room. Disinfecting hotel rooms is a great way to protect your guests and keep them coming back to your hotel.
  • Primary Care Centers – A lot of people are currently visiting their doctors office with COVID-19 symptoms, potentially exposing other patients. Protecting primary care centers with germicidal UVC can help stop the spread of viruses and bacteria.
  • Assisted living – Caring for the at-risk is a high priority with COVID-19, and as a result, assisted living facilities and other senior care centers can benefit greatly from the added layer of protection that germicidal UVC light offers. Mobile units give the greatest flexibility in these environments, but taking the step to install permanent fixtures may become the new norm.
  • Commercial Offices – A lot of your employees may be working remote right now, but they will come back into commercial office buildings eventually. Using germicidal UVC is a great way to ensure they are safe at work.

Mobile UVC disinfection units for sale
When it comes to selecting the mobile UVC disinfection unit that’s right for you, there are several factors to consider.

How much power do you need? What average cleaning cycle time is ideal? Are you going to use the mobile UVC disinfection unit in smaller rooms or larger spaces?

There are a variety of options available, from large pushcarts to smaller units with wheels.

We have three mobile products available from American Ultraviolet®, a company that started making UVC products in 1960.

ARTZ 2.0



American Ultraviolet Handheld UVC – The Blade

Another portable option to consider is American Ultraviolet®’s handheld unit called the Blade. Watch the video below to see how it works.

This is a great solution for areas that are otherwise hard to reach, like keyboards and office equipment, elevator buttons, and other high-touch surfaces.The Blade emits UVC rays, so safety guidelines need to be followed. Safety glasses are included, but long sleeves and lint-free gloves are also recommended while operating.

Using a dosimeter is a great way to test how long you need to hold the Blade over a surface for full disinfection.

If you are curious about the best ways to use mobile UVC disinfection units in your commercial building, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would love to find a solution that best fits your needs.


About ecoHVAC

ecoHVAC Pty Ltd (formerly Automatic Control Company Pty Ltd) commenced trading in October 1972 and has operated very successfully for over 45 years as an importer/ manufacturer’s representative. It has expanded to include a number of sought after franchises and in most cases operates as an importer and wholesaler of HVAC equipment thus creating exclusive Australian agencies. Local equipment is also represented where Australian manufacturers can demonstrate efficiencies in production, however, these products may be restricted to physical sales boundaries.